is a website of a massage parlour which aims to get persons rid of stress and improve their well beings. They propose a large range of massage which are all of great quality.
This massage parlour is located in Plessis-Bouchard (Postal code : 95130), France
I helped in this project to :
Design the website
Setup the website
Choose and setup scheduling functionality
Setup the galleries
Setup SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in order to have the website well referenced.
When you buy a welder, very often the welder does not come with it’s own support cart. Very often your first welding project can be to weld your own carret.
Inspirate yourself
In order to build a cart you should know what are the primary and asides functionalities that the cart should propose. Google Shopping or Bing Shopping are a good source of information.
Another thing to check is the welder manufacturer proposals.
In my case this was the proposal of the manufacturer…
Do not reinvente everything, choose a good basis…
I had to find a good basis, in my case that was a dolly truck.
Generally the point that you have to check with such products are the price and the presence of the a majority og the component that you need for your project. Entry-level product which are at the same time call product gather those properties.
Check your solution viability
Another thing to check is to check if there is no cheapest solution than the general cost of my project. If the cheapest solution respond to your quality expectation there is no reason to involve into this project and go buy the solution.
Design time
Create a CAD design of your project that report every measurement of the project. Take care of the simplicity of the solution/cart. Complexe stuff are generally expensive to build.
My carret CAD design
The result
After multiple iteration cycle at the end the cart is like this…
Two used dolly truck and one metal sheet.
Missing enhancement :
Alimentation cable reel.
Welding attachment strap
other stuff…
Beware ! The trap here, as you have the power to enhance your trolley is to make a thing that is over complicated. Keep that in mind : Keep it simple as possible !
As the ORMs (Object Relational Model) are now very used in the computer development project in order to manage interfacing between systems, the DB Template Handler project is an atempt to solve the issue of the heterogeneity between languages that you interface in your data access layout.
The Project try to create a devoted semantic and language basic functionality to manage the generation of every file suitable to database or other DAL interfacing.