Regex Pattern recursion famous test solution

It has become very common and thus having a test without a solution for me as I badly blundered because of these test for a specific candidature make me think that it may has become very interesting to keep solution somewhere on my website.

This is the acceptation tests :

using NUnit.Framework;

namespace maximilien.zakowski.Tests
    public class Tests
        private Library BuildTested()
            return new ParenthesesBracketsPatternTester();

        public void Test1(string validated)
            var tested = BuildTested();

The solution to this problems is the regex Pattern recursion :

Source :

The solution underneath :

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace maximilien.zakowski
    public class ParenthesesBracketsPatternTester
        public bool IsValid(string validated)
            var regex = new Regex("(?'group'(\\(\\)|\\[\\]))((?'group')|(\\((?'group')\\))|(\\[(?'group')\\]))");
            return regex.IsMatch(validated);